Good health means quality of life – the highest human good. We are convinced that everyone is entitled to affordable and high-quality medical care. Health must not become a luxury. Our goal is to ensure cutting-edge medicine for everyone. We would like to help ensure the performance, efficiency and social responsibility of the German healthcare system in future as well.
To achieve this ambitious goal, we strive for rationalisation and innovation in healthcare delivery.
By rationalisation we understand the creation of rational – reasonable – structures that help improve services for patients while enhancing a hospital’s efficiency. RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG has pioneered such structures within the hospital sector. The core idea is to align clinical processes to a patient’s condition, making optimum use of the principle of division of labour.
We have successfully implemented this principle at the individual hospital level by introducing the flow principle: by sub-dividing the treatment process into different stages, the place of a patient’s care always reflects the needs of that patient’s condition. Thanks to extensive investments in construction and medical technology we succeed in designing an individual hospital’s architectural structures and clinical processes in such a way that we improve the quality of care while making more efficient use of resources.
Patient-oriented division of labour can also be deployed beyond the bounds of individual hospitals and healthcare sectors: our patients are always cared for where they can receive the most sensible and best treatment. With our portal concept and our medical care centres, we apply rationalisation to healthcare delivery across facilities and sectors while ensuring high-quality medicine right where patients live, also in structurally weak regions. Our web-based electronic patient file, WebEPA, improves co-ordination amongst treating doctors across the different facilities and healthcare sectors involved, this for the good of patients.
This raises the quality of treatment, with all patients benefiting from the delivery of high-quality medical services.
RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG has led the way in hospital privatisation for over two decades now. Private capital – whether generated thanks to an entrepreneur’s own performance or made available by the capital market – is the foundation of affordable, high-quality healthcare delivery since it enables investment in innovations, ensuring the future viability of healthcare. This in turn allows for profitability and sustainable financing of new growth and medical innovations.
It is clear, then, that in healthcare quality and efficiency go hand in hand – in the best interests of patients.