Annual General Meeting 2015
The Annual General Meeting of RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG took place on
Wednesday, 10 June 2015, 10.00 a.m. (CEST),
at the Jahrhunderthalle, Pfaffenwiese 301, 65929 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Speech by Dr. Dr. Martin Siebert - Chairman of the Board of Management (PDF)
- Presentation (PDF)
- Report of the Supervisory Board (PDF)
- Dividendannouncement (PDF, only available in German)
- Voting results (PDF, only available in German)
- Invitation to the Annual General Meeting with Agenda (PDF)
- Further Information to Agenda Item 5: Elections to the Supervisory Board (PDF)
- Further Information to Agenda Item 6: Election of the statutory auditor for financial year 2015 (PDF)
- Rights of shareholders (PDF)
- Annual Report 2014 (PDF)
- Financial Report AG 2014 (PDF, German)
- Report of the Supervisory Board (PDF, Abridged version of the Annual Report)
- Proposed appropiation of profit (PDF, Abridged version of the Annual Report)
- Power of Attorney (PDF, German form is mandatory)
- Revocation of Power of Attorney (PDF, German form is mandatory)
You can download the Directions to the venue here.