3. Hygiene management
Throughout the world, increasing rates of infection make effective protection against the risks of infection indispensable for patients and employees. For this reason we have included hospital hygiene as a permanent part of our quality concept. The Group-wide hygiene management of RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG is a mix of centralised and decentralised organisation. Areas of focus of the central organisation are the recording and systematic, continuous monitoring of the sources of problems as well as comparing them with data within our hospitals and with national reference data (surveillance). RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG records data on infections or consumption of antibiotics systematically. Moreover, relevant quality indicators in the areas of sterilisation and preparation of instruments are gathered, while staffing of hygiene specialists at the facilities is centrally monitored.
During the past year, under the effective management of the hospital hygienists at RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG (Dr. Margret Seewald, Prof. Dr. Thomas Eikmann, Prof. Dr. Reinier Mutters) as well as the coordination by the Group divisions of Patient Safety, Quality Management and Hygiene, the human resources concept in the area of hospital hygiene for the Group’s hospitals was developed and adopted by the Medical Board. It has since been implemented at all sites. Furthermore, the relevant subject areas of hospital hygiene (surface disinfection, preparation of medical devices, screening, outbreak management and antibiotics stewardship) were discussed and agreed on. In respect of these subjects, a coordinated procedure at the facilities of RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG was developed in the first half of 2016 that was be adopted by the Medical Board in June.