Dear Sirs, Madams,
I am pleased to present you RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG’s second Progress Report.
We provide our patients with affordable cutting-edge medical care to maximum care standards as well as excellent nursing services. To do this, we are continuously investing in state-of-the-art medical technology and the expansion of our facilities, in research and development projects, and not least in the high level of training of our staff. By the present Report, we wish to provide you with information on these activities and the progress made with them. At the same time, we are seeking to create greater transparency and to provide broader information for our patients.
What have we been able to achieve? Here are just a few examples: In 2015, in the context of our innovation and funding pool, we devoted some four million euros in supporting numerous internal development and research projects. The Bad Neustadt Campus continues to take shape, with the first building sections already having been completed; this is being accompanied by an improved energy balance. Our new Marburg Ion Beam Therapy Centre (MIT) was able to start operations. Moreover, we are embracing the increasingly challenging requirements of digitalisation with numerous projects and initiatives.
By the present Report we would like to address our patients, our employees and business partners, but also investors and representatives from the political and scientific fields. The Report is largely oriented on the demanding Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In future, we will integrate the Report into our Annual Report, thus making all data available even earlier. Of course, this Progress Report is once again an invitation to engage in a dialogue. We are looking forward to your numerous suggestions and constructive criticism.
Dr. med. Dr. jur. Martin Siebert
Chairman of the Board of Management